Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A run on the river

River Run 2013, great success!

I had so much fun with my family, like I always do. The river was perfect and the company even better. The water was high and flowing, so locking onto each others canoes was just the thing to do. There was a smaller turnout than usual, which is great. I was apparently a champ at the bongos, which I absolutely love! I need to buy me some bongos!

Nothing like keeping the beat with some guitarists by a bonfire. 

Day 1 pretty much went in that fashion. Drinking, camping, stories and laughs.

Day 2 started with a beer, which explains it all. Flowing and drinking, all day long. Nothing better, nothing worse. Company makes the difference.
On the way back, Rebecca got a chance to catch up. We talked a lot, about life and the images we see for our future. She made big steps to benefit her future, and I am still in a spot where I don't know what I see ahead. I guess I just have to keep going with the way things are until I know what I have to do. Maybe Gainesville is in my future after all. At this point, I am just riding the wave, or flowing down the river. Waiting to see what lies ahead. Not to get caught up in the fututre too much, and simply enjoying the now.
Always enjoy the now.
Just food for thought...

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